Jack Baty Daily

Daily notes from Jack about everything

πŸ—“ Tuesday, September 17, 2024


I find the Denote Emacs package to be just about perfect for keeping notes.


I have had the reMarkable2 tablet on two occasions. Bought one. Sold it. Bought another one. The hardware is great. The writing experience is great. It should be great. And yet, I never use it. A writing tablet isn't paper, as much as it tries to be. If I'm going to write by hand, why not just use paper?

πŸ—“ Monday, September 16, 2024

Something I miss when posting to baty.net is the ability to write things that aren't automatically included in the RSS feed. This paragraph, for example. (Technically, there is a feed that includes this, but I'll be removing it.)


This is a test post to make sure I'm not automatically syndicating from this RSS feed somewhere. I made kind of a mess of things with my short-lived dip back into Micro.blog.


I watched a documentary called The Book Makers and now I want to make a book.

Scroll bars
We don't need options for this


Freddie deBoer

You have to imagine a life you can live with, where you are, when you are. If you don’t, you’ll never be satisfied. Neither AI nor anything else is coming to save you from the things you don’t like about being a person.

πŸ—“ Thursday, September 12, 2024


I'm trying something. This post is being written at daily.baty.net and should syndicate as-is to Mastodon (social.lol). I'm sending just the text, as if it's a native Mastodon post (no links).

Maxwell Scott bag repair

20 years ago when I was feeling fancy, I bought myself a nice Maxwell Scott briefcase. At some point the strap loop failed so I patched it with a wire. Yesterday I emailed them to see about a fix. They responded today that they'll be sending me replacement parts, free of charge. Nice. I guess they weren't kidding about that 25-year warranty.

πŸ—“ Friday, September 6, 2024


Firing up my micro.blog again has confused things a bit around here. Where do the little posts go, on daily.baty.net or on Micro.blog? Most, but not all, of the time, I want both, so I've dusted off the micro.blog specific RSS feed here and will pull that into micro.blog. Let's see how that feels.


Every court ruling news headline sounds like this to me:

"Court refuses to overturn rejected ruling not banning those refusing to undo denying a double negative."

πŸ—“ Thursday, September 5, 2024

I really don't feel like talking/reading/hearing about Apple any more.

πŸ—“ Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sometimes I just like to use Tinderbox.


Part Four of My Battles with Emacs - Bicycle For Your Mind

It is not my fault. I blame Jack Baty for this. He goes on and on about how Org-mode has improved his sex life and given him purpose and direction. Okay, maybe he hasn’t quite said that. But he is enamored with it and I am curious to find out what he is on about.

I don’t know whether to say β€œYou’re welcome” or β€œI’m sorry” 😁.

πŸ—“ Tuesday, September 3, 2024

This is just me making sure that the Tinderbox blog setup still works. πŸ‘‹πŸ»

Well, it's complicated, isn't it? I rejoined Micro.blog recently because I wanted somewhere for short posts and images. I wanted it easy to post images and I wanted it without needing other software (e.g. Tinderbox). I also wanted Micro.blog's nifty cross-posting features and friendly community. But then I backed away from social media, and social features are Micro.blog's strongest suit. Now I'm feeling like I want complete ownership of my blogging stack back. Sigh.

Wild God - Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds

The new record from Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds is called "Wild God" and it's fantastic. Nick Cave in a good mood is a rare and wonderful thing.

πŸ—“ Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Let's face it, I'm going to keep using a bunch of different blogs.


I just want to write it down and find it later. Everything else is gravy.

πŸ—“ Saturday, August 10, 2024


I don't want to futz with things, but I still want the option to futz with things.

πŸ—“ Friday, August 9, 2024

It's day 5 after hurting my back and my back still hurts. It's better, but not great. I still have to do some gymnastics in order to stand up after sitting for a while. At least I'm sleeping ok now.

Obsidian is WordPress

Obsidian is the WordPress of note-taking apps: Ubiquitous, powerful, extensible, complex, free (or not), a bit janky, and with a repetitive community of people seemingly desperate to become influencers. That last part might seem unfair, but I struggle to wade through the fluff while looking for good, honestly helpful information.


I'm kind of tired of blogging today. This has been happening pretty regularly lately.


OK, so Obsidian and I have never gotten along well. I know it's the 800-pound gorilla but it just doesn't click with me for some reason. After using SilverBullet for a while, I think I might know why. It's the file tree and sidebar. SilverBullet doesn't have one (by default) and so I spend no time "organizing" things. I just make a new note and move on. If I hide the sidebar in Obsidian as much as possible, could I make it feel the same?


OMG I'm absolutely catatonic about notes apps again. Playing with software is usually fun, but lately I've grown to loathe all of it.

πŸ—“ Thursday, August 8, 2024


We're all just looking for excuses to change apps, aren't we. We call them "reasons".


I have moods during which I'd like to cancel all of my subscriptions to everything. No more streaming services, no more fancy software, none of it. Then I review the list and find myself saying, "Well, of course I need that one!" for just about everything.

πŸ—“ Wednesday, August 7, 2024

My back still hurts. More today than yesterday. I had a lot of trouble sleeping. So annoying.


Nick Cave wrote that his notebooks are "...predominantly a collection of failed ideas." I'd be thrilled if that were the case with my notebooks, but I don't have any ideas.

πŸ—“ Monday, August 5, 2024

My back is still out. I need to be very careful when moving. It's going to be a challenge to mow the lawn today.


Oooh, I can't wait to hear what all the newly-minted antitrust experts have to say πŸ™„.

πŸ—“ Sunday, August 4, 2024

I made a template change here so that I can write things during the day that don't have a separate post and aren't included in the RSS feed. I have an attribute for "IncludeInRSS" that I could use, but doing it this way requires less thought and zero logic. I only needed to add the day's Text to the template.

Ouch, my back!

I reached down to take the leash off Alice after our walk this morning and threw my back out so bad that I am having trouble walking or moving much at all. Great.

Update: Dave's doing the right thing. I need to lose at least 25 pounds but I've been doing nothing but adding them instead.

SilverBullet features

I remain infatuated with SilverBullet for many of my notes. One concern I have is that the forum is full of feature requests for things that would make SilverBullet work "more like Obsidian". That's the opposite of what I want.